Tuesday, February 24, 2009

TFY - Chapter 8 - Viewpoints Exercise

“TFY”: Chapter 8 – Viewpoints – Exercise

Reading: Why Can’t We Talk About Religion and Politics? – Page 235 – 237

1. Do you prefer to avoid talking about religion or politics?
Sometime that I avoid talking about either religion or politics, but I know that there are most of time when either topic comes up; there will be an intense conversation to follow. Both religion and politics are topics in which people have different attitude and beliefs.

2. At what points do you agree or disagree with the author’s line of reasoning in this essay?
I has no idea maybe author tries to show how multiple historical figures have combined church and state. I think church and state should be separate. It's not Religion organization business to put their nose in politic. This country is made of many different religions and all should be respected. This time is the age of freedom, but then the government is going to rule based on Christianity. It's not make any sense.
3. How would you describe your own viewpoint on the issue of the separation of church and state?
I sure that they should be separate. It should do in the past long time ago, but they are two different topics in my mind. I know that politics and religion can be easily connected in multiple ways. I also know that this country is made up of many different religious beliefs. Politics should focus on politics, and religion must stay out of politic way.

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