Thursday, February 19, 2009

Chapter 3 - TFY - Facts Exercises

“TFY”: Chapter 3 – Facts – Exercises

Discussion Break Questions: Page 79:

1. State two facts that you are certain are true.
1. I am Asian.
2. I am human.
2. State two facts that you are certain will never change.
1. Thailand still hot.
2. This world is imperfect.
3. State two facts that you are certain will change.
1. I will get older.
2. My parent will dead in the future.

“The Blind Men and the Elephant” Exercise Page 87:

1. What do you think the elephant represents?
Something peoples see and think different.

2. Why did each of the blind men think in terms of comparisons?
Because that is how our minds work. When we are describing an object, the first thing we do is try to compare it to something else.

3. What was wrong with their comparisons?
They can know only part of elephant but no one can know the true of answer about elephant.

4. Can you think of examples in your life where you could not experience something new because you were comparing it to something familiar?
Food – sometime, the same food has different taste because we remember the first taste of food we eat.

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