Friday, February 20, 2009

Chapter 5 - TFY - Assumptions Summary

“TFY”: Chapter 5 – Assumptions Summary
This chapter talks about all the different types of assumptions that can and are made. Assumptions can be made consciously or unconsciously, and they can be warranted or unwarranted. When people assume, they take up or accept something. They accept it without proof that it is true or certain. There are also hidden assumptions. Hidden assumptions are defined as unconscious assumptions that influence a line of reasoning. A hidden assumption is not always easy to identify. A Stereotype is one type of a hidden assumption. Value assumptions are also a type of hidden assumptions people make and rarely or never question them, most of the time these assumptions are passed down from family or through their culture. They are unexamined beliefs that unconsciously affect our thought processes. Conscious assumptions are also known as working assumptions. Working assumptions serve as strategies or working trials.

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