Saturday, October 4, 2008

Amazing grace

The lyrics are based on his reflections on an Old Testament text he was preparing to preach on, adding his perspective about his own conversion while on his slave ship, the Greyhound, in 1748.

The author of the lyrics to Amazing Grace name John Newton was born in London July 24, 1725, the son of a commander of a merchant ship which sailed the Mediterranean. He was captain of slave ship in 1744.

Newton's lyrics have become a favourite for Christians, largely because the hymn vividly and briefly sums up the doctrine of divine grace. The lyrics are based on 1 Chonicles 17:16-17, a prayer of King David in which he marvels at God's choosing him and his house. Newton apparently wrote this for use in a sermon he preached on this passage on New Year's Day 1773

The song has also become known as a favorite with supporters of freedom and human right, both Christian and non-Christian, in part because many assume it to be Newton's testimony about his slave trading past.

Since its creation in 1779 in England, "Amazing Grace" has grown in popularity to become one of the best-known musical works in the world. This Web site explores its history through items from the collections of the Library of Congress from the earliest printing of the song to various performances of it on sound recordings.

This song tells the passion and pain of African slave. The listeners feel sympathy African slave when listen it.

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