Sunday, October 19, 2008

Leonardo da Vinci story

Leonardo da Vinci, the famous artist, was born in April 15, 1452. He born as the illegitimate son ( or we can call bastard son) of a notary, Piero da Vinci, and a peasant woman, were unmarried name Caterina, in the small Tucson town of Anchiano, near Vinci the region of Florence. Leonardo was educated in the studio of the renowned Florentine painter.

When his age of 15, Leonardo had already mastered skills in the fine arts and the young man was sent to Florence to work as an apprentice in the renowned workshop of Andrea del Verrocchio. He worked with del Verrocchio until 1477. During which time del Verrocchio had been commissioned for a painting that would be “The Baptism of Christ”.

From video I think Leonardo da Vinci wasn’t ordinary artist. He always interested in something different from other artist from studio. He was a kind of guy who focus on goal but he didn’t consider method to create his art for example:

· When there was punishment in public, the government stuff hangs a prisoner on the top of building. He was an only one who draw picture of hangman. He was freak.

· When he want to draw baby picture. He boughs someone baby got naked and draw detail of baby’s body. He didn’t care baby will cold or not even the baby crying so much until baby’s mother came to yell him.

· When he wants to learn about human body he went to hospital and perform an autopsy. It’s very extreme method.

But some Leonardo learning is normal such as: He study to draw a detail of horse by looking horse all the time or how to study to draw detail of light and shadow by saw from the real thing.
All these method to make the new art and unique art style is the essential skill that made him become a successful artist that world ever know.

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