Friday, September 19, 2008

Introductory essay


My name is Kawin Jiamveerabunyong and my nickname is Boat. In my family, there are five peoples, my father, my mother, my big brother his old name was Vigorn and now he change his name Pumate because fortune – teller told him to change his name to match his fortune and his nickname is Bank, my little brother his name is Kirkwith and his nickname is Best and I. In this year 2008, I will become 25 years old. We all three bother born in the same month particular my big brother he born in the same day with me. Our birthday was November 23, mine birth year is 1983 and my brother is 1980. My parent can save money for celebrate our birthday because they celebrate once a year by includes three bothers in one day. It’s boring (goddamn it).


I born and lived in Thailand. I live in Bangkok. My grandparents were move from China to Thailand. Both father and mother born and lived in Thailand, so I become Thai citizen but my nationality is still Chinese but I can’t speak Chinese language because there are a little number of people use Chinese language in Thailand. In the past, China was a hardcore communism and they were not communicating with other countries and on that time China was the worst country. Chinese government took my entire ancestor’s real estate and force people too much. Many peoples die from staving. It was a cause that my grandparents decided to against fate and moved to find new destiny and they succeed by find the fortune land name Thailand. In the Thai history, the exoduses of Chinese peoples have only a pillow and a map from the beginning. Native Thai people treat them like shit. They work hard and find opportunity to run their own business. Today, Thailand is a development and high technology country because of Chinese peoples. But Thailand can’t be better and it will more bad because Thai government has not enough potential to manage country. Every Thai Prime ministers were corruption. They try to find the chance to corrupting national budget. Thai economic today is hopeless. Unless my parent run apartment business and run only jewelry, our family business will ruin forever. In Thailand, there are many pointless and stupid rules and laws to force people I must follow it in a long time. For the example,
- In kindergartens, primary, junior high, high school and university, students must were uniform, all Thai parents must lost their money every year and uniform are not appropriate with weather. In Thailand, weather hot all year.
- Every Monday until Friday about 8 o’clock morning all students begin with kindergarten until high school must have meeting, stand in line, separate level and class on the field and sing the Thai nation anthem and pray to Buddha (some school must sing king anthem and school song). It looks like communist process for brainwashes people.
- When Thai men become 21 years old. Government has law to force them to join military about 5 years. Soldier was a worst job in my country because it was dangerous and low-income career. If some man is not join military, he will has guilty and government will punish him by put him in jail. But there is method to avoid it. When I was high school student, there is a subject for male student to study and training in military they are called soldier student. They must study in military camp in town one day per every week in high school all 3 years. In the last year of high school, all soldier students must go to camp in Countryside Mountain training one week.
- When you watch a movie, there is king anthem song before movie start all audiences must stand up until the king anthem song end there ia this song all movie.


My parents are business owner. There are two parts business they run now.
First, they run jewelry business for 30 years until now. This business made profit for our family a long time ago before economic crisis in U.S.A. President Bill Clinton time (about year 1998). Thai money decease value from 25 baht (Thai money) = 1 dollar become 50 baht = 1 dollar. Gold price become double and there are no customers want to buy jewelry anymore because their business ruined from this economic crisis effect. But economy in Thailand was recovery. Everything become better until event 911, terrorists highjack airplane hit world trade center. It was George W. Bush is U.S.A. president, Economic in Thailand become madness again and we know later that Osma Binladen was the leader of terrorist group. I hate you Binladen. But it wasn’t the last chaos. After America made wars with Afghanistan. They connect wars with Iraq because George W. Bush condemned Saddam Hudson the Iraq leader that hided nuclear. This event made OPEC raised oil price. It made gold price increase everyday (I hate you George W. Bush).
Second business is apartment business, now we have four apartments, one will open soon and two areas ready to build. If we finish build apartment, we will have seven apartments. In that time we will rich (of debts) but we don’t worry because this business income will payback debt by itself. My parents have idea to run apartment business because they read the book name “Rich dad Poor dad” wrote by Robert Kiyosaki. But we have not complete management system to take care apartments. My brothers and I are take care it now. When I come in America, my family business lack of work force. My family waits me to graduate master degree and comeback home quickly. I can predict that when I graduate from here I must work hard everyday. (Oh! My God)


Before I came to America I graduate bachelor’s degree from Bangkok University International College. After I graduate I study English language 3 months. When I arrived in America I started study in Berkeley English Academy 8 months. I practice my English language skill by watch television everyday. I like to watch American series program in CW bay area channel such as two and half man, George Lopez, Will and Grace, King of Queen, Simpson, Family guy and South park. Monday there is Gossip girl, Wednesday there is American next top model, Thursday there is Smallville and Supernatural and Friday there is WWE Smackdown. All series program help me improve my English language skill a lot. Now I study in Lincoln University. I study in program M.B.A. Before I started MBA program I study intensive English with Dr. Bill Hyman. I study a lot of English language from him. He was the good teacher. I have a plan that when I graduate master degree from here I will return to my country and work in my family business and I want to study doctorate degree in Thailand. When I graduate doctorate degree I will become Dr. Kawin.

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