Friday, September 12, 2008

Where do you stand

Where do you stand for?

FEET: What do I stand for as a foundation of writing?
I stand on my own idea, knowledge, and experience and imagine. These are my foundation of writing. I will apply my foundations for appropriate with each topic I write.

STOMACH: What upsets me about writing?
I upset my writing will not make sense or stupid story particular when I can’t understand purpose of topic I must write. I don’t want reader misunderstand my idea so I must try to use simple word to make them easy understand.

HEART: What do I love about writing?
I love to spread my idea and attitude in writing. It’s a freedom for me to show what I think and my purpose to make someone aware it.

HANDS: What do I feel about writing?
I feel awesome when I write something and reader interest it. I write everything I can think and it makes me feel satisfy with my writing. I can create my own idea communicator to show everyone. Writing was important part of human history. Humanity can’t live without writing. It was the beginning of human civilization.

EARS: What do I hear about writing?
I hear the idea directly and indirectly from writing forms surrounding me. Every idea I can aware purpose of writer from different attitude of readers voice.

EYES: What do I see about writing?
I see the important part of human history. Every human history record was the writing. It told us about history, culture, language and traditional. It indicated what we are and where we come from include good side and bad side of all human ideas and experiences.

BRAIN: What do I think about writing?
It was the most essential human being element. The ultimate tools distinguish between human and animal. Human can’t live without writing. We can create writing by mix the reason fact and imagine fiction to create the innovation writing.

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