Tuesday, March 10, 2009

“Thinking For Yourself”: Chapter 7 – Evaluations – Exercise

Exercise – Page 201 – Expectations Influence Evaluation:

1. Neither the liquid nor the taste buds of the person changed. How can you explain what happened?
This guy wants to drink orange juice. He’s expecting the taste of orange juice in mind, so when it was different taste from orange juice, he think it was expire orange juice. He did not check it may be another flavor of juice.
2. What information was missing in the first evaluation?
This man did not check the orange container in the freezer was orange juice. He just judges it was due to the container being orange in color.
3. Describe an instance in which expectations influenced your perceptions and evaluations.
I have had a similar experience when I live in Thailand. I was expecting to drink coca-cola, when I open refrigerator, I found a bottle of cola and I was very thirty. I drink it suddenly. But, it was not taste of cola, it was bitter and spicy. I was split it out. It was a herb juice that my grand mama make it. In all day, I felt terrible in my throat.

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