Tuesday, March 3, 2009

CRCB - Chapter 9 - PSR Strategies Summary

“CRCB”: Chapter 9 – PSR Strategies Summary

This chapter guild technique for the reader how the PSR method works when applied to your readings. PSR are from Preview, Study-Read, and Review Strategies.
First step, Preview steps:
1. You skim your reading – Reading quickly, skipping details and focus on title of chapter, introduction, subhead and summary.
2. Develop some questions that you can ask yourself – Turn the headings or subheading into questions. This will make you more engaged in your reading. As you are reading you will be searching for the answers to your questions.
3. Predict content – Predict what you think a reading assignment will be about based on the information you have gathered and questions you have developed.

Second step, Study-Read steps:
1. Read and ask questions – Turn heading/subheading into question and look for the answers to those questions.
2. Make sure you understand what you’re reading – Read one part at a time and read either from heading to heading or for more challenging material from paragraph.
3. Monitor your reading - This means to see what things you don’t understand and what questions still remain unanswered.
4. Determine the main ideas– As you finish of each section of your reading, stop and determine what the main idea of part is.

Third step, Review steps:
1. Assess your understanding of what you read on entire reading assignment - You do this by summarizing what you read, Attach new information to old information and Comprehension check.
2. Clarify any confusing areas that you may still have. You do this by asking your teachers, other students and any other resources available to you.

Then you should be able to assess your understanding of what you just read. If there are any parts of the reading that are still unclear, you should have your questions answered. Maybe you will just need to re-read the part that is unclear to you. Or maybe you will need to ask your instructor or classmate for some help. It is very important to understand what you read though. Out of this chapter I learned some ways that can make me more engaged in my readings. I will try to ask myself some questions in my readings. Hopefully that will make me concentrate more on what I am reading. Sometimes I find it hard to stay focused on certain reading material. Maybe this will help.

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