Friday, November 28, 2008

The beginning of space

In the beginning was energy. There was no light or darkness. There was no matter, no movement. There was no space to contain light or darkness or shapes of any kind. The universe was contained in a primordial phenomenon of raw, unshaped energy.

Then came the form: grava. Grava provided the shape and chronology for the expression of energy. Grava could not exist without energy. Energy could not be expressed without grava. Grava was both the container and the vessel for the expression of energy.

Grava is a single, continuous, super-field that contains and mediates all energy, mass, space and time in the entire universe. The four-dimensional envelope of space and time is an extension of grava.

The primary orientation of each unit of energy is to occupy all space and obtain an infinite amount of mass – all in one moment of time. It attempts to be everywhere now. Grava controls this orientation by enforcing the established rules, forms and the infrastructure to support the expression of energy.

The actual steps taken in the determination of the structure and the rules neither were not elegant, purposeful nor premeditated. A very simple program of events was sequentially executed as the nature of energy required with the incidental outcome of discrete quanta in the field of grava and a number of rules and constants that were necessary for the quanta to coexist in the same field of grava – the universe.

The basic events were: first the energy, second the field of grava, third the structure including rules and constants. A different prime quantum of energy would have resulted in different rules and constants. Once the first subdivided quantum of movable energy was established, however, the negotiation process was ended.

Since there was no time or space to begin with, the subdivision of unshaped energy consisted of establishing space-time entities for each new unit of energy. Each unit of energy was endowed with six dimensions: the energy quantum, mass, time and the three dimensions of space.

The enforcement of the rules includes the process of relegating certain unstable events to a status of isolation called subgrava. The universal field of grava supports these events, but do not have the property of continuity with space and time. Many subgrava events are very short-lived, such as emerging mass-less quanta of energy.

A black hole is an example of a larger subgrava event. Grava isolates the tremendous amount of potential energy of the black hole in a subgrava status in order to maintain the integrity of the continuous three-dimensional universe that surrounds it. Grava ushers a significant amount of resources to support the black hole. The energy is not isolated from grava, but the space-time vectors within the subgrava pocket are sealed off from the external system.

Today, we know a lot more about the nuts and bolts of matter than was known by the Greeks. However, the rigor of discovering the nuts and bolts and analyzing their properties and functions may lead us away from looking at the basic entities themselves.

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