Friday, November 28, 2008

The beginning of space

In the beginning was energy. There was no light or darkness. There was no matter, no movement. There was no space to contain light or darkness or shapes of any kind. The universe was contained in a primordial phenomenon of raw, unshaped energy.

Then came the form: grava. Grava provided the shape and chronology for the expression of energy. Grava could not exist without energy. Energy could not be expressed without grava. Grava was both the container and the vessel for the expression of energy.

Grava is a single, continuous, super-field that contains and mediates all energy, mass, space and time in the entire universe. The four-dimensional envelope of space and time is an extension of grava.

The primary orientation of each unit of energy is to occupy all space and obtain an infinite amount of mass – all in one moment of time. It attempts to be everywhere now. Grava controls this orientation by enforcing the established rules, forms and the infrastructure to support the expression of energy.

The actual steps taken in the determination of the structure and the rules neither were not elegant, purposeful nor premeditated. A very simple program of events was sequentially executed as the nature of energy required with the incidental outcome of discrete quanta in the field of grava and a number of rules and constants that were necessary for the quanta to coexist in the same field of grava – the universe.

The basic events were: first the energy, second the field of grava, third the structure including rules and constants. A different prime quantum of energy would have resulted in different rules and constants. Once the first subdivided quantum of movable energy was established, however, the negotiation process was ended.

Since there was no time or space to begin with, the subdivision of unshaped energy consisted of establishing space-time entities for each new unit of energy. Each unit of energy was endowed with six dimensions: the energy quantum, mass, time and the three dimensions of space.

The enforcement of the rules includes the process of relegating certain unstable events to a status of isolation called subgrava. The universal field of grava supports these events, but do not have the property of continuity with space and time. Many subgrava events are very short-lived, such as emerging mass-less quanta of energy.

A black hole is an example of a larger subgrava event. Grava isolates the tremendous amount of potential energy of the black hole in a subgrava status in order to maintain the integrity of the continuous three-dimensional universe that surrounds it. Grava ushers a significant amount of resources to support the black hole. The energy is not isolated from grava, but the space-time vectors within the subgrava pocket are sealed off from the external system.

Today, we know a lot more about the nuts and bolts of matter than was known by the Greeks. However, the rigor of discovering the nuts and bolts and analyzing their properties and functions may lead us away from looking at the basic entities themselves.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Golden Gate Bridge History

The Golden Gate Bridge links San Francisco with Marin County in absolute splendor. The bridge is one of the architectural marvels of the Twentieth Century and a testament to human strife, as it was constructed during the years of the Great Depression. Today, the Golden Gate Bridge held the title as the longest suspension bridge in the world.

Construction began on 5 January 1933.The project cost more than $35 million. Before its completion in 1937, the bridge was considered impossible to build, due to persistently foggy weather, 60-mile-per-hour winds, and strong ocean currents, which whipped through a deep canyon below. In fact, the bridge is commonly known as the "Bridge that couldn't be built." Despite these unforgiving natural elements, the bridge was constructed in a little more than four years. The total cost was $35 million. The total length of the bridge spans 1.2 miles. Eleven men lost their lives during the construction of the bridge.

Before the bridge was built, the only practical short route between San Francisco and what is now Marin country was by boat across a section of San Francisco Bay. Ferry service began as early as 1820, with regularly scheduled service beginning in the 1840s for purposes of transporting water to San Francisco. The Sausalito Land and Ferry Company service launched in 1868, which eventually became the Golden gate ferry company, a Southern Pacific Railroad subsidiary, the largest ferry operation in the world by the late 1920s

Because of the Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco is one of the premier skyline cities in the nation. It was a triumphant day in the history of the city when the bridge was completed on May 27, 1937. Over 200,000 people celebrated the grand opening of the Golden Gate Bridge by walking its length. The following day, a dedication ceremony was held to officially christen what would become the architectural trademark of the city. The regular flow of vehicular traffic began the next day.

Many wanted to build a bridge to connect San Francisco to Marin County. San Francisco was the largest American city still served primarily by ferry boats. Because it did not have a permanent link with communities around the bay, the city’s growth rate was below the national average. Many experts said that a bridge couldn’t be built across the 6,700 ft (2,042 m) strait. It had strong, swirling tides and currents, with water 335 ft (102 m) in depth at the center of the channel, and almost constant winds of 60 mph (97 km/h). Experts said that ferocious winds and blinding fogs would prevent construction and operation.

The bridge opening celebration began on 27 May1937 and lasted for one week. The day before vehicle traffic was allowed, 200,000 people crossed by foot and roller skate. On opening day, Mayor Anglo Rossi and other officials rode the ferry to Marin, then crossed the bridge in a motorcade past three ceremonial "barriers", the last a blockade of beauty queens who required Joseph Strauss to present the bridge to the Highway District before allowing him to pass. An official song, "Theres a silver moon on the golden gate ", was chosen to commemorate the event. Strauss wrote a poem that is now on the Golden Gate Bridge entitled "The Mighty Task is Done". The next day, President Roosevelt pushed a button in Washington DC signaling the official start of vehicle traffic over the Bridge at noon. When the celebration got out of hand, the SFPD had a small riot in the uptown Polk Gulch area. Weeks of civil and cultural activities called "the Fiesta" followed. A statue of Strauss was moved in 1955 to a site near the bridge.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

How to change class from low class and middle class to high class.

Write by Kawin Jimveerabunyong
Topic: How to change class from low class and middle class to high class.
Book reference:
-Rich dad Poor dad Cash flow quadrants by Robert Kiyosagi,
-Why we want you to be rich by Robert T. Kiyosaki and Donald J. Trump.

In current world, everything changes quickly some groups of people can adept and some groups of people can’t. Some a business author call this age is global paradox. This time people can communicate with peoples around the world by use a little time because of technology make everything different from 20 years ago.

Today, many people work hard but they‘re not rich because they lack of knowledge and experience about money management.

The gap between the rich and poor has grown in the past 20 years in the developing countries. And the government is suggesting that we educate our children so they will grow as responsible grown-ups and hopefully will be financially stable.

The problem is we educate our children to be specialized employees but not financially literate. Then the gap continues to grow and the have-nots will blame corruption. Then a revolution will break out because they can't take it anymore. Chaos sets in then the rich will see opportunities in times of war. And the poor do not. Then the cycle goes on. The gap grows and grows even farther.

From rich dad, poor dad book: Many people spend your life working for money and to pretend that money was not important. Robert T. Kiyosaki’s rich dad believed that life was more important than money, but money was important for supporting life. He often said, "You only have so many hours in a day and you can only work so hard. Learn to have money and people work hard for you, and you can be free to do the things that are important." For example:
1. Having lots of time to raise his kids.
2. Having money to donate to charities and projects he supported.
3. Bringing jobs and financial stability to the community.
4. Having time and money to take care of his health.
5. Being able to travel the world with his family.

If someone wants to rich, the first thing they should change is attitude.

We can separate 4 types of all segment of job that indicate what different between rich people and poor people.

In the employee part, you will spend the much time per day; spend much day per month to work. Income from this employee part is enough for you to pay your living price. If you stop work, income will stop too. There are a little number of peoples from this part are rich such as CEO from some big companies.

In self-employed part, some of this part gets much income but some of this part was not success. This self-employed part can’t stop work too. They must spend most of time in their life to take care their job. Self-employed has income equal or higher than employee. There are a little number of self-employed can gain much income such as Hollywood superstar, singer or sportsman.

In business owner part, there were 20% of peoples in the world. They can become rich because they have own system to help to take care their business, so they have much free time to make other business. For example: apartment owner, company shareholder.

In investor part, they are highest income in all part. They have many systems to control their business. They have free time to make other businesses to increase their income such as companies’ shareholders, franchise owner or real estate owner.

Business owner and investor have something make them different from employee and self-employed is system called cashflow. Cash flow makes have Business owner and investor high income and free time.

Cashflow example:
-Company shareholder (Prefer share)
-Real estate owner (for rental)
-Franchise owner

If you want to become rich and change to high class group you must start making your cashflow.