Friday, April 17, 2009

CRCB - Chapter 11: Reading, Understanding, and Creating Visual Aids Summary

Chapter 11 was all about the different types of visual aids used or that can be used to help you learn and understand material. There are several different types of visual aids listed throughout this chapter. These different types of visual aids are: charts and tables, diagrams, illustrations, graphs - including, bar graphs, lines graphs, pie graphs, pictographs, photographs, time lines, outlines, mind maps, and free-form drawing.
Charts and tables condense large amounts of information in order to show relationships, show hierarchy, show cause & effect or comparison & contrast. Diagrams illustrate connections between items using simple to complex drawings. Diagrams are useful in all sciences.
Illustrations are drawing that shows the parts or sections of something like a plant for example.
Graphs are used to take large amounts of information and make it more accessible. Bar graphs use parallel rectangular bars, line graphs use grids with vertical and horizontal axes, and pie graphs show data in a circle.
Pictographs show data through pictures, photographs help you to make associations with the information in the text, and time lines are a straight line labeled to show time sequence or chronological order of events.
Outlines provide a summary
Mind maps use shapes and lines to show relationships between information
Free-form drawings are done by hand to help you understand something better.

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